7-to-13 Card Progression
Students begin by learning BIDittle, the little bidding Bridge game. Using only 7 cards per hands, students are introduced to basic card skills, trick-taking concepts, and Bridge fundamentals in a game that moves quickly. Students are playing and enjoying the experience from the very first lesson. Short presentation topics are immediately followed by hands-on game play. Pre-dealt Bridge hands are provided so game play reinforces the specific lesson introduced.
ACBL Bidding
Bidding CardsStudents reference individual bidding cards specifically designed for each lesson to visualize and reinforce bidding concepts. Cumulative bidding card information is printed on the BIDittle-to-Bridge game board for future reference.
Lesson Topics 1 cards, suits, dealing, trick-
taking, BIDittle bidding 2 dummy hand, penalty doubles 3 BIDittle using 13 cards 4 Bridge bidding, finding 8-card fit, dummy points 5 trick scoring, leads 6 exploring 8-card fit, 1NT resp 7 more exploring, game scoring 8 overcalls, takeout doubles 9 notrump bidding, Stayman 10 preempts, jump overcalls 11 stong hands, Blackwood |
The presentation materials and lesson notes for the BIDittle-to-Bridge lessons are available for purchase/rent. Materials can be tailored to achieve specific learning goals. Please contact the game designer to review pricing options.